So Far Not a Happy New Year


Is it just me or is everyone sick right now? Are we so stressed during the holidays that are immune systems just give up on us? Or maybe it’s because we’ve been squished together in shopping malls and family functions so the germs can easily jump ship?

Whatever the case may be, everyone is sick! And although I wrote a brand new post for today, I invite you to revisit a post I wrote over a year ago that’s dedicate to all the sick people out there. Happy New Year!

I feel like I'm cheating when I revisit posts, but if I ate a cookie every time someone said to me “pop a vitamin C” then I’d be rolling down the sidewalk. That’s why I think this is an important concept that needs to be revisited. Studies upon studies have shown that vitamin C can’t prevent or cure the common cold…I’m sorry! But the good news is, scientist have discovered that the placebo effect appears to contribute about 30% to our recoveries, so I guess vitamin C is doing something...more or less. Scary how powerful our minds are!

So, what should you do if you’re sick? Please stay at home, rest and stop passing around these nasty germs.

Take care everyone!


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Image courtesy of PolinaTankilevitch