The Lance Armstrong of Yogurt
In August, Lance Armstrong finally stopped fighting the charges presented by the antidoping agency. It wasn’t long until he was stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles in October.
Today, it was announced that Armstrong will resign from his cancer-fighting charity, Livestrong. You might be wondering why I’m talking about Lance Armstrong on a food blog…well, it’s because Danone pulled a “Lance Armstrong.”
To all the yogurt eaters out there—which I hope is everyone except those that are lactose intolerant, who also don’t really have an excuse because there’s always soy alternatives—get out your shoebox of receipts because Danone is forking out some money!
In September, Danone agreed to a settlement of $1.7 million dollars for falsely advertising that their probiotic yogurt drink could boost immunity and regulate digestion. Of course they denied any wrongdoing, but agreed to the settlement to avoid further court costs…story sound familiar?
Anyway, if you have proof of purchase, Danone will compensate you anywhere from $15 to $50. They have also agreed to remove the words “clinically proven,” “immunity,” and “scientifically proven” from its packaging and ads.
If you would like more information regarding probiotics, check out my post from August 2011 “Probiotics Digest.”
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Image courtesy of Hungarian Snow