Part 2 of the Snack Series: Skip the Sugary Snacks and Grab…

It’s been a busy day and you’re exhausted. As you’re finally getting ready to sit down and enjoy some ‘me’ time—like watching your favorite TV show on Netflix or diving into a great book—try these sweet alternatives to appease any sugar craving:


  1. A big cup of herbal tea – David’s Tea has some delicious dessert teas such as Birthday Cake, which seems to make a piece of cake last a half an hour (at least that’s what I’m telling myself)

  2. Roasted chick peas – cinnamon flavored

  3. Coconut ice cream with frozen berries

  4. Greek yogurt (½ plain, ½ flavored) with frozen berries. Try Tree Island’s chai tea Greek yogurt…yum!

  5. Cold cereal with <10g of sugar (mini wheats) with milk or your favorite unsweetened dairy alternative

  6. Baked apple slices with cinnamon

  7. Frozen grapes

  8. Chia seed pudding

  9. Coconut whipped cream with fruit – see recipe below

  10. Medjool dates (4)

Coconut Whipped Cream:


  • 1 can full-fat coconut milk, chilled for 24 hours

  • 1 to 2 tablespoons sweetener (maple syrup, honey etc.), to taste

  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


  1. Chill the can of coconut milk in the fridge for at least 24 hours.

  2. After chilling the can, open the can and scoop the solid white coconut cream into the bowl. Or flip the can upside down and open it that way to pour off the liquid. Discard the coconut water or save it for another use (such as coconut water ice cubes).

  3. Beat the cream until fluffy and smooth. Add in sweetener to taste and vanilla. And return whipped cream to fridge until ready to use. It will firm when chilled and soften at room temperature.

Also, if you haven’t checked out Part 1 of the Snack Series, click here!

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