IBS — Blog | Jess Pirnak, West Vancouver Dietitian — Food Yourself
Kick That Sugar Craving
Gender's Impact on How Processed Foods Shape the Microbiome
Fibre, gut health, fruits & vegetables, IBS, salt, sugarJessica Pirnakgut health, Gut Health, IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fiber, fibre, Apples, Fruits and Veggies
Friends with Benefits
Postbiotics Anyone?
Fibre, gut health, IBSJessica Pirnakgut health, Gut Health, IBS, IBS diet, fibre, soluble fibre, probiotics, Probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics
What Causes Bloating?
Can You Trust a Negative Celiac Blood Test?
celiac disease, gut health, IBS, Personal JourneyJessica PirnakCeliac Disease, celiac disease, symptoms of celiac disease, gluten-free, gluten intolerance, gluten, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gut health, Gut Health
Diving Into IBS!
celiac disease, gut health, IBSJessica PirnakIBS FODMAP, IBS, IBS diet, What is IBS?, FODMAPs, FODMAP, low FODMAP ingredients, low FODMAP recipes, low FODMAP vegetarian recipes, high FODMAP ingredients, gut health, Gut Health, Brain-Gut connection
Don't Overuse Antibiotics
Is Celiac Disease Hidden Among IBS Sufferers?