Posts tagged vegetarian
Pond Scum Anyone?

On the blog a few months ago, I wrote a whole post calling out “superfoods” because of their endless health claims, from curing allergies and candida to detoxifying the body and aiding in weight loss. And instead encouraged everyone to think of single ingredient foods as “superfoods,” such as pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts, legumes, slow burning grains and dark leafy greens.

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Tofu 101: The Health Benefits of Tofu - and How to Cook It

Living in today’s plant-based world, it is not surprising to discover tofu in every grocery store in North America. But what you might find surprising is that tofu has been around for centuries! Apparently, the first written record of tofu dates back to 950 A.D. For such a humble, versatile, ancient food why is it still such a mystery? According to the Economist and Forbes magazine, 2019 is the year of the vegan, so it is about time we dig deep into tofu and explore exactly what it is, how it is made and whether it is healthy or not.

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Plant-based over the Holidays

‘Twas the night before Thanksgiving, and all through the supermarket, all the hosts were fretting which foods to target.

Gluten-free, wheat-free, lactose-free, Paleo, Keto, pescetarian, vegetarian or vegan...We could spend hours deciphering how to successfully accommodate each kind of guest for dinner, but because we live on the West Coast and 40% of us identifying with following a vegetarian or vegan diet we will zero-in on how to accommodate a plant-based eater this holiday weekend.

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The Most Sustainable Vegan Diet

There are plenty of great reasons to switch your diet to a more plant-centered one. For starters, it’s better for your health, and it shows compassion toward animals.

But what about reducing your carbon footprint?

With that in mind, here are four tips to consider when filling your plant-based grocery cart to keep its environmental impact at the lowest possible.

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Go Nuts and Beans!

In 2009, approximately 2.5% of adults in the United States and 4% of adults in Canada followed a vegetarian diet. Additionally, 20 to 25% of Americans reported eating at least 4 meatless meals a week. Vegetarianism has been growing in popularity due to consumer concerns surrounding the economic and ecological impact of eating meat-based diets. So, what are the alternatives? A recent reader expressed her interest in fake meat, which unfortunately is not the answer to a meatless meal, so I’ll spend some time here discussing meat alternatives.

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